Fast-acting, powerful products

The content of various foods in the diet that contain vitamin complexes and minerals needed to increase male potency. One of the main ones is A and E, as well as the B vitamins. You need to eat a lot of food that properly affects sexual activity and attraction.

Effective and useful product

Among the wide variety of products, fish products and shrimp, squid, etc. play a great role. Oysters and flounder will be very useful. Among vegetable foods, perhaps worth mentioning is the radish. Rennin is known to have a positive effect on the body, manifested in its increased sexual arousal and libido.

What foods can increase potency in men?

Consider the list of useful products in more detail.

Products that increase the potency of half the male population:

camel stomach

This product is number one in enhancing male potency. Its effect is comparable to that of a pill, and at the same time it has the huge advantage of being completely harmless to the human body. A big disadvantage is that only this healing raw material can be found.

The camel and the potency of his stomach

For years, Sychuzhina has been overwhelmingly helpful in the fight against weak sexual arousal. The important point is the particular method of cooking this product. It is recommended to eat this dish before sexual contact, no later than thirty minutes.

No one would have thought of such a quick action for the first time. But this product immediately affects erection and libido, causing a huge libido.


It has long been a world-renowned product as a libido stimulant. Shellfish contain a lot of zinc, which helps stimulate the process of producing male hormones in the body. Oysters are also rich in unique amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the number of sperm cells, resulting in an overall increase in semen quantity and quality.

The power of oysters

The highest concentrations of essential elements were found in spring oysters. This is due to the start of the mollusk mating season.

There is a saying that the maximum effect of using this product can only be obtained when eaten raw. This can be explained by the fact that due to exposure to high temperatures, significant loss of important components of the product occurs. In this case, various flavors can come into play, such as lemon juice.

Oysters increase potency

It is immediately necessary to pay attention to the fact that eating too much oysters can lead to incredible deterioration, not only in potency but also in overall health. Seafood itself contains high levels of mercury.

There is also a chance of infection, as mollusks are major carriers of many types of bacteria.

Another option is to take a bath in a tub full of boiled oysters. A session lasting an hour at a time can significantly increase potency. After completing the five-day course, the impotent person will be able to enjoy life again.


This fish has incredibly delicious and healthy properties. Packed with vitamins and zinc, it simply has no equal competitor on this metric. It is also known for its high content of protein and special amino acids, which are useful for potency.

flounder potency

Fish dishes need to be steamed in order not to lose their magical properties. The heat effect needs to be stopped as soon as the fish is ready.

According to its dietary parameters, flounder fits the term "universal food".

The only person who would not recommend enjoying this delicacy is the personally intolerant.

Also, for hardcore and people who complain about circulatory and digestive system organs, avoid dried and salted flounder.

boiled mackerel

Large amounts of omega three and six acids can also be found in this fish. These fatty acids are involved in the biosynthesis of male sex hormones and have a positive effect on the intimate life of men and women.

Potency of Mackerel and Onions

If you introduce this dish into your diet, it will immediately lead to an increase in erection and arousal, as well as an increase in the amount of semen produced. Sperm quality parameters are also increased due to the required phosphorus content in mackerel. Iodine is responsible for strong libido, and protein is the raw material for the formation of new "tadpoles".

Once you discover this fish, you will discover the wonderful world of healthy sex!


This vegetable has rightfully taken its place. Products that improve erections and libido are rich in internal chemicals. Radish seeds can stimulate libido and increase potency. The same result can be obtained by eating steamed radishes with meat.

Radish Potency


The healthiest is red meat. A cooking method that preserves the most useful properties of a product - steaming or stewing. Combine such a dish with plenty of variety and vegetables.

Potency of red meat

It is always worth remembering that excessive consumption of meat can have negative effects on the body. This is because meat is considered an indigestible product. The body spends a lot of energy (including sexual power) in processing these foods.


Generally speaking, eating nuts is good for the body. They are rich in useful elements and have a beneficial effect on the intimate issues of life. Nuts contain arginine, which starts the process of producing nitric oxide in the body. This compound is necessary for male arousal and healthy erections.

Nut Potency

By mixing it with dried fruit or honey, the usefulness of consuming the product will be increased. Also useful are nut mixes, which also contain raisins, dried apricots, and many other fruits. One of the best ways to cook meat or fish is to mix these foods with nuts.

The best performing nut is cedar. It has a positive effect on immunity and increases potency. Experts recommend eating raw.

Potency of pine nuts

The miracle product that perfectly deals with reproductive system dysfunction is nutmeg. Excellent therapeutic effect can be achieved if used daily. Of course, you don't need to eat too much food.

Anywhere you need to know the measurements, so adding a little grated nutmeg to your plate would be a great solution.

An overdose of this product can have very negative consequences, including death.


Such products have long been known as fantastic aphrodisiacs. These potency products have a positive effect and stimulate sperm production, leading to a more normal recovery of sperm volume.

Potency of seafood

When cooking, it's best to use a method that doesn't kill all the useful stuff. Some seafood may be fine to eat raw, but should still undergo minimal heat treatment.


There are so many vegetables in our world that some are great helpers in the fight against sexual dysfunction. The only vegetable that deserves special attention is celery. It has a stronger effect on the potency of libido.

Vegetable Potency


Extracted from cocoa, this product creates a sense of romance and enhances libido. Dark chocolates are best eaten because they contain special amino acids that help optimize the function of reproductive organs. Consumption of less than 65% chocolate is not recommended and should not be abused.

How to Improve Performance Through Exercise

The first method is physical exercise to increase and enhance male sexual activity. Exercise allows you to increase male erections naturally and safely, improve health and strengthen the male body.

Step by step daily practice:

  1. While standing, perform a circular motion of the pelvis, feet shoulder-width apart, and hands on the belt. Rotation of the pelvis is performed alternately in both directions for ten minutes at a time. Pull them closer to your stomach.
  2. Squat with knees bent. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and place your hands on your belt. Sit down and tighten and relax your butt muscles as much as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat the squat.
  3. Lie on your back, lift your pelvis, rest on your shoulder blades, place your hands on the floor, and repeat 10 times.
  4. To practice "bike", in a back position, lift your legs and do a pedal rotation with them.

The efficacy of gymnastics

The second method is to increase the potency of men of any age by training the PC muscles at home. It is located on the male from the pubic bone to the coccyx and supports the anus and internal organs, preventing prolapse. Technique: Sit in a chair with your back straight, your muscles relaxed, your head slightly tilted back, and your eyes closed. Then slowly tighten the muscles, hold the tension for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Do at least 10 sets of 3 times a day, gradually increasing the load. Gymnastics can be done on your back with your legs slightly apart or standing.

How to eat to enhance physical fitness

A third way to increase potency and libido is proper nutrition.

Herbal Products:

  • Peanuts, Walnuts, Pistachios, Pumpkin Seeds - for enhanced potency.
  • Parsley, cilantro, spinach, celery - increases testosterone production and increases potency.
  • Citrus Fruits - Increases potency and libido, activates testosterone production.
  • Pomegranate is a strong male stimulant that enhances erections.
  • Figs - beneficial effects on erection duration, restoring strength, increasing potency.
  • Radish - enhances potency and stimulates libido.
  • Onions and Garlic - Increases potency and sexual activity in men. Onions boost sperm production, while garlic is a powerful male aphrodisiac.

drinks that increase erection

A fourth way to increase erections in men is to drink alcohol. Green tea helps restore erections; add ginseng or ginger root. Freshly squeezed juice of celery and carrots in equal proportions is an effective cocktail for increasing male sexual activity. A mixture of quail eggs with ketchup and milk improves erectile function: add 20 g of ketchup and 2 quail eggs, salt, pepper and spices to 500 ml of hot milk. We blend the ingredients in a blender and the cocktail is ready.

Aphrodisiacs that enhance male potency are also found in alcoholic beverages. Absinthe is considered pungent, and mulled wine is considered quick-acting. Anise tincture and egg liqueur can help increase potency in men. The most important thing is not to overdose and not to abuse.

What else can you do to improve your effectiveness?

A fifth way to restore male potency is to contrast showers. They are poured from the shower with alternating hot and cold water. The procedure has a restorative effect on the male body, improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, relieves spasms and improves mood.

A sixth way to enhance potency is a healing bath. To increase potency in men, it is useful to bathe with bay leaves. To prepare for bathing, pre-brew chamomile flowers (100 g) in 3 liters of boiling water in an enameled bowl for 20 minutes. Then boil bay leaves (5-6 pieces) in water for 5 minutes, pour into bath, add chamomile infusion and decoction to warm water. A man should shower every night for 30 minutes.

A seventh way to increase potency is to use ice cubes, which help increase potency in men. Wrap ice cubes in gauze folded into layers and use as a cold compress on certain parts of the man's body for 2-3 seconds. They start at the top of the head and work their way down the neck, chest, abdomen, scrotum.

The eighth method - folk remedies to increase potency. Consider proven recipes:

  • Male-enhancing plant pollen is an effective product against male impotence. It increases sexual activity, restores the male reproductive system and improves sperm quality. Single dose - half a teaspoon twice a day. The pollen treatment course is 2 weeks.
  • Infuse asparagus for added potency: Pour 10 plant fruits into boiling water (400ml), close container and soak for 6-8 hours. The tincture is used 3 times a day, 50ml each time. The course duration is 2 weeks. For infusion, use dried, pre-crushed plant roots. Fruits and roots are used in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • The ratio of walnuts and honey is the same. Chop nuts, add honey and mix well. Take this medicine 20 minutes after meals, rinse with milk. 2 teaspoons twice daily. The duration of the course is 1 month.
  • For potency, onions are eaten raw, or an infusion made with 2-3 onions. Crush them, pour in warm water (400ml) and soak for 3-4 hours. The recommended single dose is 100ml. Frequency of use - 3-4 times a day. Onions have a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improving spermatogenesis and increasing male potency.
  • Medicinal lungwort, which enhances the potency of men. Take 10 grams of dried medicinal materials, pour it into a cup of boiling water, soak for 1 hour, and use it to treat male impotence after filtering. Three servings a day, one tablespoon. Lungweed is used as a salad dressing.

modern male medicine

A ninth way to increase potency is stimulants. Medications that increase potency in men come in the following forms:

  • injection.
  • tablet.
  • Topical methods (ointments, balms, sprays, gels).

How to improve male potency through folk remedies?

Decreased sexual performance after 40 years has been observed in many modern men. But few of them know that increased potency folk remedies can restore former sexual pleasures and prolong them into mature old age.

One woman and one man increased potency with the product

Why is the potency reduced?

Today, more and more waning of potency occurs in fairly young people. This can be due to health issues, but in some cases, decreased libido can be affected by intense physical and emotional workload, frequent stress, lack of sleep, and bad habits. Anyone is afraid to wake up with impotence in the morning. To prevent this, you can successfully use folk recipes to increase potency. Before doing so, however, it is best for men to contact an andrologist or urologist, as impotence can be a symptom of an inflammatory process in the body.

Products useful for men's health

Today, everyone has heard of aphrodisiacs—substances that enhance libido. Many of these substances are present in food and can be considered a means of increasing male potency. To gain an edge in bed, a man can:

  1. Eat fresh garlic (2-3 cloves) every day. This supplement to the usual diet not only enhances potency, but also works well in preventing many diseases in men, including genital infections.
  2. Honey Potency
  3. Eat pumpkin seeds as a dietary supplement. They can be raw or part of a dish. The chemicals found in pumpkin seeds not only help with normal erections, but also improve sperm quality.
  4. Traditional medicine considers honey to be a very effective aphrodisiac. Its beneficial properties combine well with red wine and aloe vera juice. To prepare the product, all 3 ingredients must be mixed, take 3 equal parts wine, 2 parts honey and 1 part aloe vera juice. A handful of parsley seeds can be used as an extra ingredient. The resulting composition persisted for 2 weeks.
  5. Another option for using honey as an aphrodisiac is to use it with carrot juice and grated ginger, 60 grams per day. Another honey formula that affects male potency: Mix 0. 5 kg of walnuts with 0. 3 kg of honey and 0. 1 liter of aloe vera juice. This remedy should be taken in 1 tablespoon. l. Before each meal.
  6. Prepare red wine and dried fruit syrup. For this you will need 2 liters of red wine, raisins, dried apricots, plums (100g each), a pinch of sugar (1-2 tablespoons), spices (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon). Pour all ingredients into red wine and simmer for 1 hour. It is useful to take this decoction before sexual intimacy or every day before dinner.
potency product

In addition to the above products, uses:

  • Foods rich in protein: dairy products, fish, various meats;
  • Seafood and plant sources (eg, kelp-sea kale);
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, as they are a source of many vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of sex hormones;
  • A moderate amount of spices, which are especially useful when added to coffee or tea;
  • eggs, cooked in any form;
  • Various nuts - a source of protein and healthy fats.

However, even a well-rounded and rich diet will not lead to the desired results if the basic aspects of a healthy lifestyle are ignored. Eliminating bad habits, exercising in moderation, and eating only high-quality and natural products - good men's health and sexual activity are based on these three pillars.

powerful herbal tea

Decoctions of some herbs have potency-enhancing effects. The most important thing is to know how to cook them properly.

Ginseng root is beneficial for enhancing potency in men. No wonder it is called "the root of love" in the East. He rightfully has a place in folk and official medicine, where he is included in medicinal preparations to enhance erections. To make a healthy decoction at home, pour 100 grams of ginseng into 500 ml of water and store in the dark for 2 days. After that, boil the infusion over low heat for 4 hours, adding 1 tablespoon of honey and equal parts cinnamon. Take 100 grams of this medicine after each meal.

potency herbal tea

Thyme was known to our ancestors for its beneficial properties. Decoctions based on it are prepared faster than ginseng. Crush the green part of 100 grams of thyme and pour in 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture must be injected until it reaches room temperature. For added potency, there is a so-called French recipe based on thyme. To prepare it, you need 1 tsp. Thyme and mint herbs, a pinch of rosemary. Pour plant ingredients into boiling water and infuse until completely cooled. This tool must be used by a person on a daily basis to get the desired results.

You can take calamus root in the form of a decoction or simply raw. Roots can be chewed simply, but not more than 3 times a day. Another effective folk remedy is an infusion of Dubrovnik herbs. Here's how it's prepared: 5 tablespoons. l. Pour 1 liter of boiling water into the green part of the plant and infuse for 2 days.

Nettle is a good helper in restoring erectile function. You can make decoctions from it, or you can use it to make medicinal herbal mixtures. In the first case, 1 tablespoon. l. Pour the nettles into a cup of boiling water and soak for 20 minutes, then strain the contents through a cheesecloth/fine sieve. This drink should be taken some time before meals. The second way to use nettle is to include it in a special herbal range. Take peppermint, St. John's wort, clover, and nettle in equal proportions and soak in boiling water for about an hour. This infusion should be taken several times a day.

Potency of Nettle

Folk remedies for rapidly increasing potency in the form of decoctions and tinctures are taken in 10-30 day courses. You should always keep in mind the possible development of allergic reactions to substances of plant origin, so herbal medicine should take full responsibility.

Healing herbal bath

The cause of poor erection is usually emotional stress, stress. Men just need to relax every now and then. You can combine business with pleasure by soaking in a hot bath with various herbal soups.

Potency Healing Bath

Bathing with bay leaf or medicinal chamomile works best. To prepare them, you don't need anything complicated, just dry vegetable ingredients and water. Before bathing, you need to prepare the infusion: pour 50 grams of bay leaves or chamomile flowers into 3 liters of boiling water and let it sit for 20 minutes. After that, the solution was added to the bath. This watering program can be done once a day for a duration of 0. 5 hours.

Another option for increased potency is an acupuncture-based bath. For its preparation, both pine branches and its cones are suitable, which are likewise rich in useful resins and tannins. To prepare the decoction, the plant material is poured into water and boiled over low heat for about half an hour. The airtight broth is then infused for 12 hours, after which you can add it to the tub.

In folk medicine, contrast baths are known for restoring male strength. They are characterized by the fact that a person does not fully dive into the water, but just sits in it. Therefore, a pair of pots that a man can sit on is perfect for this method. In one basin there should be cold water, in the other - hot water (not boiling water, but tolerable). First you need to sit in hot water for a quarter of an hour, then in cold water for the same amount of time. This procedure should be carried out in two-week sessions, every 3 months.

It is difficult to choose the clear best way to increase potency: each organism is independent and can respond to different substances in different ways. However, folk methods of treating male impotence have been proven for centuries, allowing you to choose from a plethora of options that will help in every situation. Most importantly don't forget to plan a visit to a qualified specialist.