Ways to Improve Male Potency

Potency is the ability to achieve an erection and maintain it throughout sexual intercourse. Erection plays a very important role here.

Strong man with increased potency

Reasons for the drop in potency

How to increase the physical strength of men

An erection is the state when the penis is full of blood and elastic enough to penetrate the vagina. In other words, it's an opportunity to feel like a man and create healthy offspring. Furthermore, regular sex is only feasible with full, healthy potency. In addition, sex improves blood circulation and the functioning of all bodily functions.

Unfortunately, right now, over 35% of men experience erectile dysfunction, the first step toward a potency problem. Also, due to potency issues, there is an increased likelihood of vascular problems, so heart attack, stroke. . .

As we all know, to get a stable erection, you need enough testosterone. If the concentration of this hormone in the body is reduced, then you cannot hope for good potency. Reasons for decreased potency include:

  1. Alcohol consumption. Alcohol affects the testes, which are responsible for producing testosterone.
  2. smokes. Tobacco can cause narrowing of blood vessels, i. e. poor circulation, including in the genitals. Generally, here you really need to choose. Either you're lying on the couch drinking beer and smoking a cigarette all day, or you're going to bed with a beautiful woman. By the way, this is a very powerful motivation for some people. . .
  3. age changes. Around age 50, testosterone production declines.
  4. Stress, ongoing workload at work and at home. All of this prevents the brain from signaling to produce testosterone. You work all day, your body is exhausted, and you force him to have sex. Do not! The brain doesn't do this. Stress can also be caused by unsuccessful sexual intercourse, self-doubt, fear of something. Either way, you need to get rid of it. If not on your own, there is a doctor. They are called sexual pathologists, psychotherapists.
  5. A sedentary lifestyle. Blood circulation in the small pelvis deteriorates. And all the organs of the small pelvis, including the penis.
  6. sleep deprivation. Fatigue. . . already described above.
  7. Nutritional imbalance. Causes a drop in metabolism, obesity and a worsening of the general condition of the body
  8. Diseases of the male genital area. And it's not just sex. It is also a disease of the kidneys, endocrine system, and prostate.
  9. excess weight. The problem is that fat deposits in the abdomen "kill" the testosterone-producing glands. In addition, if you are overweight, cholesterol increases, and it deposits on the lining of blood vessels, impairing blood flow, vascular patency, and filling. As we already know, the penis also fills with blood through the blood vessels. . . the erection weakens and the potency decreases. To check if you are overweight, simply measure your abdominal circumference. For men - 94 cm or more is already obese.

No matter how odd it may sound, motorists and drivers can come first. And it's all due to constant shaking, impaired pelvic circulation, inflammation of the prostate, and the result is less desire and less erections. All of this is basically eliminated, but our men ignore it.

In addition, inhaling gasoline vapors can adversely affect "male strength", even in small amounts without causing poisoning. Also winter swimming, winter fishing and people who like to sit in the cold (yes, yes, it's not just dangerous for girls! ), miners, workers with rising temperatures, like those in hot shops. . . EfficacyThe decline may be temporary or permanent.

Temporary: The first is psychological and emotional factors and lack of sleep, followed by alcoholism, smoking, overweight. . . If this factor is detected and eliminated in time, the efficacy of the drug will quickly recover.

Permanent: Most often caused by mental disorders, illnesses of various etiologies, and unhealthy lifestyles. No need for medical assistance here.

How to Increase Potency Without Pills

Usually, this is a very delicate issue and men are not in a hurry to see a doctor. Therefore, we draw your attention to general rules that help to improve effectiveness.

There are many drugs on the market today that promise recovery, enhanced potency, but they have many side effects and don't always work as well as advertised. For the most part, it's just another publicity stunt by us pharmacists. Also, as you already know, the reasons can be quite different, and there is no one panacea that works for everyone. Everyone has their own disease, and every drug has indications and contraindications.

Unfortunately, we do not advertise deaths caused by taking these drugs. Previously, and even now, many potency medications included a substance, such as yohimbine, used to treat cardiac arrhythmias. And in large numbers, for some people, it's often taboo.

Substances such as carnidin and Spanish fly are powerful nerve agents. Like any poison, it causes convulsions. And in the 18th century, when only those drugs were used, this type of tics even had a name of its own.

Perhaps the most harmless thing about independent, uncontrolled use of these drugs is suppressing one's own hormone production. Because of this, men feel inferior, and some use words like "castration. "Even if you are very confident in this medicine and its quality is very good, friends advise you, but it is still not recommended to take this medicine, because you don't know what effect it has on your body.

safe treatment

The best medicine is the normalization of general health. To do this, add animal fats to your diet: liver, poultry, beef, vitamins B, E, C, zinc, selenium. These foods increase testosterone production. Exercise and healthy eating should also be life partners. Of course, you need to quit drinking and smoking.

Herbal decoctions are also beneficial for potency. Such as thyme, nettle, ginseng. In addition, small doses of biostimulants, multivitamins, training, hardening, and of course the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, are safe for our bodies.

herbal soup for increased potency

Pharmaceutical companies are booming right now, and you can choose any multivitamin. those that work for you. Those that contain what your body lacks: contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, fluoride, iron.

Many substances have long been used to boost immunity, enhance metabolism, and increase potency. Now they are called biostimulants: lemongrass, ginseng, acanthopanax, golden root, nettle. . .

After all, our body is a harmonious system, and if something goes wrong, the whole body suffers. Improving the general condition of the body will also have a positive impact on the quality of intimate life.

drugs that increase potency

But we have this mentality, the more the better. It's like you drink, make tea or herbs, drink multivitamins, biostimulants or special pills. Everything has its dose. For example, equally harmless high doses of biostimulants can cause insomnia, hyperexcitability, neurosis, nervous breakdowns, and apathy.

Increase potency by physical means.

  1. Massage the scrotum and testicles. Helps boost immunity, improve digestion, calm the nervous system, and increase testosterone.
  2. Exercise to increase erections. Correct premature ejaculation, prevent prostatitis, and erect erection.
  3. Kegel exercises. Effects on PC muscles (love muscles), effects on duration of intercourse, treatment of prostatitis.
  4. Massage for added potency. This method, used in Eastern medicine, is very simple and can reflexively increase the efficacy of the medicine.

Not everything a man is. . .

There are many "partner" massages, exercises offered to couples. Also, if a man is no longer a young plus, such as on a first date, some other fears can lead to failure, loss of self-confidence. Don't forget that sometimes you don't need to rush and it's not just women who need simple care and affection. . . and that's far more than any animal attraction. If she really needs to, she can make some efforts to normalize her intimate life. Finally two questions. The most important thing is to be patient and not lose hope. There is always a way out.

myths and facts

After taking birth control pills, it is impossible to get rid of an erection. It's all a myth! Even after taking the "magic" pill, you need to resort to stimulation (stroking, kissing). An erection will not occur without additional stimulation, nor will it last.

The risk group included men only over the age of 40. myth! Of course, this is the most common, but there are many causes of erectile dysfunction and the younger generation: arterial hypertension (now she is very young), diabetes, various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Increased potency in women and mature men

In old age, this will definitely happen, and it won't work. This is true!

The body ages - everyone does. As we said above, the body is a whole. . .

Erectile dysfunction is purely male and has no effect on women. myth! An unsatisfied woman is always noticeable, even when her husband is jittery, constantly breaking down, an anger. . . It's true because men feel inferior.

It's never too late!

History has examples of men in their sixties who became fathers. For example, Charlie Chaplin.

Let's take the same Hercules example, but not from a children's history book. Why is Hercules considered the thirteenth labor? You can't guess anything! Because he was able to have sex with fifty daughters of King Thespius.

Oriental men have at least one hundred concubines and how many wives! Their duties include not only feeding the camels, cooking, cleaning, laundry. . .

This is what a man looks like. By the way, andrologists (there are such specialists) believe that today's men also have such powers. . .